Our Vision
Current Mission
Liceo Juan Calvino Outreach
Liceo Juan Calvino Fundraisers


Perseverancia values all of their donors and cannot thank them enough for their contributions.

  1. Cameron Blanchard $5

  2. Connor Belicic $50

  3. Adam Wettreich $20

  4. Griffin Newsome $10

  5. Chris Starks $50

  6. Jennifer Statis $100

  7. Mary Oakley $75

  8. Suzanne Rush $100

  9. Rick Rothacker $100

  10. Ralph McCrery $100

  11. George Cocolas $25

  12. Will Rothacker $25

  13. Gail & Craig Altmeyer $50

  14. Riley Dixon $500

  15. Zachary Anderson $10

  16. Fatima Garcia Corona $50

  17. Luke Edwards $10

  18. Lindsay Thomas $8

  19. Lucas Banks $10

  20. Olive Hsu $150

  21. Tamara Paraeghian $10

  22. Krish Rajput $225

  23. Laura Rothacker $250

  24. Sebastian Valverde $50

  25. Maryam Klock $50

  26. Richard Rothacker $150

  27. Tracie Pacheco $100

  28. Jennifer Blanchard $50

  29. Tiffany Vestal $150

  30. Gerald Rothacker $500

  31. David Ashi $500

  32. Chase Hakereem $20

  33. Stephen Gonzales $100

  1. Epic Hire $300

  2. Myers Park United Methodist Church $1,500

  3. Celsius $500

  4. Doorlist/Soccer Tournament $1,286

  5. Redline Beer & Wine $350

  6. The Blood Connection $360

  7. Sigma Nu Fraternity $2,000(t-shirts)

  8. Perseverancia $2,771

Donors of $250+ will receive a "brick" in the 7th grade classroom.